GeoJSON & Geospatial Queries in ArangoDB – ArangoDB

GeoJSON & Geospatial Queries in ArangoDB Mobility planning, logistics optimizations, territory management or location-aware recommendation systems rely heavily on geospatial data. With the new GeoJSON support and ArangoDB’s native multi-model nature, development of these kind of applications got much simpler. Since version 3.4, ArangoDB fully supports GeoJSON and a broad range of geospatial queries. To…

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Comparing new RocksDB and MMFiles storage engines

ArangoDB 3.4 Default Storage Engine – RocksDB ArangoDB 3.4 comes with the default storage engine based on RocksDB (named rocksdb). The rocksdb storage engine will be used by default when no storage engine is explicitly selected during installation or startup. The rocksdb engine is optimized for data-sets that are bigger than main memory. The engine will keep a hot set…

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Multi Model

The Many Faces of a Native Multi-Model Database ArangoDB is a native multi-model database. Multi-model because ArangoDB provides the capabilities of a graph database, a document database, a key-value store in one C++ core. ArangoDB is native, because users can use and freely combine all supported data models even in a single query. With ArangoDB, users can easily…

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GeoJSon & Geospatial Queries in ArangoDB

GeoJSON & Geospatial Queries in ArangoDB Mobility planning, logistics optimizations, territory management or location-aware recommendation systems rely heavily on geospatial data. With the new GeoJSON support and ArangoDB’s native multi-model nature, development of these kind of applications got much simpler. Since version 3.4, ArangoDB fully supports GeoJSON and a broad range of geospatial queries. To…

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Cluster: Distributed multi-model database

Cluster When your usage of ArangoDB begins to exceed what your hardware can support, it’s time to scale. While you can scale vertically, moving ArangoDB onto a better server, there are definite advantages to scaling horizontally, by linking several database servers into a cluster. Clustering ArangoDB not only delivers better performance and capacity improvements, it…

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Built in JavaScript Extensibility Framework Foxx

ArangoDB Foxx Foxx is a JavaScript framework for writing data-centric HTTP microservices that run directly inside of ArangoDB. Traditionally, server-side projects were developed as standalone applications that guide communications between the client-side front-end and the database back-end. Through the Foxx Microservice Framework, ArangoDB allows application developers to write their data access and domain logic as microservices…

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