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Download ArangoDB for CentOS

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The following packages are for Red Hat-based Linux distributions.

The processor(s) must support the x86-64 instruction set, as well as the SSE 4.2 and AVX instruction set extensions (Intel Sandy Bridge or better, AMD Bulldozer or better, etc.).

We provide a single package containing the server and the client tools. For a standard server setup, download the Server package and install it using the package manager. You do not need the separate client tools.

The Client Tools package only contains the tools, like arangosh and arangodump, but not the server. Use this in case you are already running ArangoDB on a different machine and want to connect to that server from a client machine.

As an alternative there is a Tar package containing the server and client tools, which can be unpacked in any location and which does not require root rights for installation.

RPM packages

Tar packages

Installation via Package Manager

Run the following as root in a teminal:

cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
curl -OL https://download.arangodb.com/arangodb312/RPM/arangodb.repo
yum -y install arangodb3-3.11.5-1.0

To install the debug symbols package (not required by default), run:

yum -y install arangodb3-debuginfo-3.11.5-1.0

Installation Manual

You will find a guide on how to install ArangoDB on Linux in our documentation.

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