Dev Days: Day 2
Fireside Chat: Harnessing the Potential of Graph Powered Machine Learning with Jörg Schad
Many powerful Machine Learning algorithms are based on graphs, e.g., Page Rank, Recommendation Engines (collaborative filtering), text summarization, and other NLP tasks. Also, the recent developments with Graph Neural Networks connect the worlds of Graphs and Machine Learning even further.
ArangoBnB with Chris Woodward
Chris Woodward provides a sneak peek at the ArangoBnB project being created with the community. This project is a Fullstack JavaScript web app that is being developed to showcase the upcoming ArangoSearch GeoJSON features.
Aggregating Time-Series Data with AQL with Chris Woodward
Learn about how to best use ArangoDB together with Time-Series data and aggregations using the WINDOW keyword.
Workshop (Separate Recording)
Hands-on with Graphs at Scale: Introduction to Graphs with Michael Hackstein
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