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Unlock the Power of Graph Data Science

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"ArangoDB has the most complete and advanced suite of graph data science capabilities we have seen in the market. As part of our AI-powered Argos investigations solution, we rely heavily on not just ArangoDB as our core database platform, but increasingly on the Data Science Suite to power the newest parts of our solution."

- Martin Kovar, Head of Product Development
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to discover the power and flexibility of the ArangoDB Data Science Suite.

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on LLMs + Knowledge Graphs.

Interactive Jupyter Notebooks 1

Interactive Jupyter Notebooks

Experience interactive data exploration and analysis with Jupyter Notebooks. Integrate seamlessly with ArangoDB for powerful graph queries, visualizations, and in-depth data analysis all in one place. Leverage the flexibility of Jupyter to create, share, and collaborate on data science projects effortlessly.

Advanced Graph

Harness the full potential of your data with ArangoDB's advanced Graph Analytics. Conduct complex graph queries, uncover hidden patterns, and gain actionable insights. Utilize an extensive suite of built-in graph algorithms to explore relationships and drive decision-making with precision and speed

Advanced Graph Analytics 1
Cutting Edge Graph ML 2


Empower your machine learning models with graph data using GraphML. Leverage ArangoDB’s GraphSage for superior predictive analytics and data-driven decision-making. Utilize advanced graph-based machine learning techniques to enhance your models and uncover deeper insights from your data.

Smarter AI with

Revolutionize your AI applications with GraphRAG. Integrate Large Language Models and Knowledge Graphs for enhanced retrieval-augmented generation, making your AI smarter, more contextual, and capable of handling complex queries with ease. Enhance the accuracy and relevance of AI-generated content by leveraging the power of graph data.

Smarter AI with GraphRAG 2

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to discover the power and flexibility of the ArangoDB Data Science Suite.

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on LLMs + Knowledge Graphs.