ArangoDB v3.9 reached End of Life (EOL) and is no longer supported.

This documentation is outdated. Please see the most recent version at

Migrating Spring Data ArangoDB 2.x to 3.0

Annotations @Key

The annotation @Key is removed. Use @Id instead.

Annotations @Id

The annotation @Id is now saved in the database as field _key instead of _id. All operations in ArangoOperations and ArangoRepository still work with @Id and also now supports non-String fields.

If you - for some reason - need the value of _id within your application, you can use the annotation @ArangoId on a String field instead of @Id.

Note: The field annotated with @ArangoId will not be persisted in the database. It only exists for reading purposes.


ArangoRepository now requires a second generic type. This type ID represents the type of your domain object field annotated with @Id.


public class Customer {
  @Id private String id;

public interface CustomerRepository extends ArangoRepository<Customer, String> {


Annotation @Param

The annotation com.arangodb.springframework.annotation.Param is removed. Use instead.


DBEntity is removed. Use VPackSlice in your converter instead.


DBCollectionEntity is removed. Use VPackSlice in your converter instead.