ArangoDB v3.8 reached End of Life (EOL) and is no longer supported.

This documentation is outdated. Please see the most recent version at

ArangoDB Java Driver

The official ArangoDB Java Driver.

Supported versions

Version 7 is the latest supported and actively developed release. Version 6 is still supported and maintained, but not actively developed anymore. Upgrading to version 7 is recommended.

The API changes between version 6 and 7 are documented in Changes in version 7.0.

Both versions are compatible with all supported stable versions of ArangoDB server, see Product Support End-of-life Announcements.

They are compatible with JDK 8 and higher versions.


To add the driver to your project with Maven, add the following code to your pom.xml (substitute 7.x.x with the latest driver version):



To add the driver to your project with Gradle, add the following code to your build.gradle (substitute 7.x.x with the latest driver version):

repositories {

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.arangodb:arangodb-java-driver:7.x.x'

GraalVM Native Image

The driver supports GraalVM Native Image compilation. To compile with --link-at-build-time when http-protocol module is present in the classpath, additional substitutions are required for transitive dependencies Netty and Vert.x. See this example for reference. Such substitutions are not required when compiling the shaded driver.

Quarkus and Micronaut examples

The driver can be used from Quarkus and Micronaut applications and does not require any additional configuration for GraalVM native image generation. Examples can be found here:

ArangoDB Java Driver Shaded

From version 7 onward, a shaded variant of the driver is also published with Maven coordinates: com.arangodb:arangodb-java-driver-shaded.

It bundles and relocates the following packages:

  • com.fasterxml.jackson
  • com.arangodb.jackson.dataformat.velocypack
  • io.vertx
  • io.netty

Note that the internal serde internally uses Jackson classes from com.fasterxml.jackson that are relocated to com.arangodb.shaded.fasterxml.jackson. Therefore, the internal serde of the shaded driver is not compatible with Jackson annotations and modules from packagecom.fasterxml.jackson, but only with their relocated variants. In case the internal serde is used as user-data serde, the annotations from package com.arangodb.serde can be used to annotate fields, parameters, getters and setters for mapping values representing ArangoDB documents metadata (_id, _key, _rev, _from, _to):

  • @InternalId
  • @InternalKey
  • @InternalRev
  • @InternalFrom
  • @InternalTo

These annotations are compatible with relocated Jackson classes. Note that the internal serde is not part of the public API and could change in future releases without notice, thus breaking client applications relying on it to serialize or deserialize user-data. It is therefore recommended also in this case either:

  • using the default user-data serde JacksonSerde (from packages com.arangodb:jackson-serde-json or com.arangodb:jackson-serde-vpack), or
  • providing a custom user-data serde implementation via ArangoDB.Builder.serde(ArangoSerde).

Support for extended naming constraints

The driver supports ArangoDB’s extended naming constraints/convention, allowing most UTF-8 characters in the names of:

  • Databases
  • Collections
  • Views
  • Indexes

These names must be NFC-normalized, otherwise the server returns an error. To normalize a string, use the function com.arangodb.util.UnicodeUtils.normalize(String): String:

String normalized = UnicodeUtils.normalize("π”Έπ•£π•’π•Ÿπ•˜π• π”»π”Ή");

To check if a string is already normalized, use the function com.arangodb.util.UnicodeUtils.isNormalized(String): boolean:

boolean isNormalized = UnicodeUtils.isNormalized("π”Έπ•£π•’π•Ÿπ•˜π• π”»π”Ή");

Async API

The asynchronous API (formerly under the package com.arangodb.async) has been removed from version 7.0. This has been done because the asynchronous API needs a substantial refactoring, i.e. supporting the HTTP protocol, fixing the async client to not block when consuming a cursor, and a better alignment with the synchronous API. It will be reworked and re-added in a future version 7.x.

See Also